15 hours ago
A fractal is generally "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole," a property called self-similarity." Because they appear similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be infinitely complex. Natural objects that approximate fractals to a degree include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, coastlines, and snow flakes.
Investing in human capital can also be applied to the national deficit. Republicans consider all expenditures by the gov't to be "spending" - kind of like a family that spends on, say, a luxury cruise, once the trip is over you have little to show for it. But not all family spending is the same - if you buy a car and use the car to go to school or to go to work then it is really "investing" not spending and will yield (over time) more than the cost in terms of total benefit to the family. Same is true of government spending on education. The Chinese have figured this out and are rapidly eclipsing us - (60% of the student population at UC Berkeley is Asian because by law they can not use any racial quotas in the CA state schools admissions. Unless the US invests a lot more in education soon (unlikely) I think the country will, over time, fall way behind in the world. I will go out on a limb and predict that in 20 years we will have a President of the US who will be fluent in Chinese (I am thinking it may be John Huntsman former governor of Utah and now the US ambassador to China (appointed to that position by Obama).